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#200 – Healing the Energetic Body in Cancer Treatment with Julie Ryan

Julie Ryan podcast 2

This week joining me on the Curiosity & Consciousness podcast is Julie Ryan.

Psychic and Medical Intuitive Julie Ryan can sense what medical conditions and illnesses a person has and facilitate energetic healings. She can communicate with spirits both alive and dead. Julie can scan animals, access people’s past lives, and she can tell how close to death someone is.

Her book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next describes a series of events that involves angels, multitudes of deceased family and friends, the spirits of deceased pets, and countless serendipitous and miraculous moments. Julie’s Angel Messages® books are picture books that have angels answering kids’ tough questions.

Each week, Julie scans callers on her ‘Ask Julie Ryan’ nationally syndicated radio show and international podcast. Julie is a businesswoman, an inventor, author, radio show host, podcaster, and a serial entrepreneur. Her surgical device inventions are sold globally, and she has founded nine companies in five different industries. Julie’s Psychic and Medical Intuitive skills are learned.

Julie has offered any listener a free digital copy of her book Angelic Attendants, simply complete this form & mention this show.


In this episode, Julie talks about:

  • How she learned to do ‘woo woo’ with a mix of psychic-ness
  • Looking at the complementary part of the healing equation
  • Paying attention to how things feel for us
  • What she sees in an energetic healing of cancer
  • How there is always an emotional component to any disease
  • Energy leaks & the energy field membrane
  • What NNT & NNH numbers are & how you can use them
  • And much more

**FYI – Julie’s previous episode where she joined me, was episode #68 from June 2020. Click here for the link.

Listen to the full episode on your platform of choice (some links below), and be sure to subscribe & share the podcast with others!

AppleSpotifyStitcherAcastiHeart RadioYouTube & Castbox or click play below.


Connect with Julie online:

**FYI – Julie’s previous episode where she joined me, was episode #68 from June 2020. Click here for the link. Available on all platforms.





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