Joining me this week on the Curiosity & Consciousness podcast is Karena Virginia.
Karena is the talent in the highly acclaimed yoga video, The Power of Kundalini Yoga, and the author of Essential Kundalini Yoga. Karena is also the voice on the IOS APP called Relax and Attract with Karena.
Karena shares tools to help people to break through fear and free themselves. She also shares what she has learned about living with authenticity and going with the flow, to elevate your awareness, expand your energy field, and help you become a magnet to your desires. Karena also introduces people to a world of ancient secrets based on the law of quantum physics and the science behind the miracles of spirituality.
Karena is a member of Oprah Winfrey’s Belief Team, and she is a pioneer in the metoo movement who has discovered that the meaning of healing humanity starts with speaking truth and choosing love. She is passionate about helping others find their voices and heal.
Her clients are often professionals and celebrities who find Karena’s style accessible and enjoyable.
Karena is married with two children, and she lives in the suburbs of New York City.
A fantastic conversation with Karena and so fitting for the times were in. Karena shares so much of her journey of how she ‘dumbed’ herself down to fit into mainstream society but eventually she discovered yoga & learnt to reclaim her voice.
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