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#090 – Healing the Mother Wound with Rev. Chelle

Rev Chelle Podcast

This week on the Curiosity & Consciousness podcast, Rev. Chelle joins me.

Rev. Chelle is a Metaphysical Minister, Family Constellation Facilitator & Clinical Hypnotist.

She guides women as they connect the dots from their mother wound to issues in their relationships, career, finances, fertility, health, and parenting. She does this with her paradigm-shifting, evidence-based, trauma-informed healing experience that breaks generational and subconscious cycles of pain between daughters and their mothers.


This is a super interesting conversation. Rev. Chelle informs of how generational mother wounds can be passed down and expressed through the mother – daughter relationship. She talks about the relationship she had with her mother, and also the relationship she had with her children as a result of unhealed trauma passed on from her mother.

She talks how mother wounds can also form as a result of being over-mothered or under-mothered. She defines a mother wound as ‘a mother who carries a wound of her own but hasn’t done her own healing work before becoming a mother’. She also mentions how these wounds can show up in a multitude of different ways – from codependency, people pleasing, fertility issues, abandonment issues or imposter syndrome, and she talks about the importance of reparenting our inner child.

Rev. Chelle shares so much information in this episode. She talks about some of the books and tools that helped her, and also how she helps others to map their mother wound and get to the core trauma or complaint.

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