This week on the Curiosity & Consciousness podcast, I’m flying solo.
It’s funny how life works sometimes (aka all the time!), but I’ve wanted to record an episode for a few weeks with some updates etc but kept putting it off. Then a last minute change to this week’s pre-planned show, meant rescheduling and I had a ‘slot’ to fill in. Panic almost set in, but then my tools and practices kicked in & I took it as a golden opportunity to update on some new things coming up.
So this episode doesn’t just include those updates, but also a super important message about learning to flow and be in a state of ‘non-resistance’ to what is. This is where our power truly lies.
I also speak a little about the following exciting options I’m bringing forth:
- HANDinHAND – Free online group space – Each Thursday, 7pm UK time for 40 minutes for anyone feeling lost, in a void, empty, alone to share and connect in a non-judgemental space (this is NOT THERAPY) just a shared welcoming space to feel heard.
- Spiritual Awakening Mentorship Group – the intention is to meet one or twice a month online. Super affordable, pay as you go system, for anyone who has had an ‘awakening’. They feel like they’ve outgrown certain situations, people, foods etc but haven’t landed in their new way of being yet. This will be more a Q&A space where I can help guide & navigate you through these times with super important practices and tools.
- HANDinHAND – 30 minute 1:1 sessions – for anyone who may feel the above HANDinHAND group setting sounds too intimidating and would prefer a 1:1 space where I offer relaxation and a non-judgemental listening ear. Super affordable price.
- Regular 1:1 Coaching – helping women cultivate self-approval from within. This is my more in-depth coaching package. Helping women who feel exhausted, overworked, burnout, lagging ‘behind’ or trying to be everything to everyone. I work with women to shift the energy they are expending externally, and redirect towards their own life and priorities.
My regular 1:1 coaching is all that’s available online at the moment (under work with me – INSIDE OUT Coach). I wanted to share about the other things with my podcast community as well first & details on my website will come later :-).
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